Botanical Name: Common Names:
Quercus lobata Valley Oak,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Deciduous
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Trees Broad Domed, Irregular Shape
A very large and long lived deciduous Oak of North American origin, that can reach up to 30m tall. It's irregular, twisting and arching branch structure gives it a striking visual appeal. For parks and large properties.
Mature Height: Mature Width:
>25m >10m
Position: Soil Type:
Full Sun Any
Landscape Use(s)
Feature, Foliage Feature / Colour, Formal Garden, Low Water Garden, Wind Break, Shade Tree
Pests & Diseases: Generally trouble free
Cultural Notes:
Plant Care
Keep moist during dry periods, Mulch well
Family Name: Origin:
Fagaceae NorthAmerica
Foliage Colour: Brown, Green, Orange, Yellow
Flower Colour: Green, Yellow
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruit: Yes
Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Slow
Maintenance Level: Low
Water Usage: Medium / Moderate
Drought: High
Frost: High
Wind: High