Botanical Name: Common Names:
Pyrus communis Trixzie Pyvert Dwarf Pear,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Deciduous
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Citrus & Fruit, Trees Upright
Deciduous, dwarf fruiting Pear tree that has fragrant white flowers in spring followed by large, slightly rounded sweet fruit. Fruit is great to use in deserts, preserving or to eat fresh. Requires a cross-pollinator to bare fruit. Many cultivars available. Grows approx. 1.5m H x 1.5m W.
Mature Height: Mature Width:
1-2m 1-2m
Position: Soil Type:
TBA Loam, Sandy, Well Drained
Landscape Use(s)
Bird Attracting, Courtyard, Edible Garden, Feature, Mass Planting, Topiary / Espalier, Container / Pot
Pests & Diseases: Caterpillars, Generally trouble free, Snails And Slugs
Cultural Notes:
Plant Care
Annual slow release fertiliser, Keep moist during dry periods, Mulch well
Family Name: Origin:
Rosaceae Europe
Foliage Colour: Green
Flower Colour: White
Flower Fragrant: Yes
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruit: Yes
Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Moderate
Maintenance Level: Medium
Water Usage: Medium / Moderate
Drought: Medium / Moderate
Frost: High
Wind: Medium / Moderate