

Plant Finder


Poa sieberiana cyanophylla

Botanical Name: Common Names:
Poa sieberiana cyanophylla Snow Grass, Grey Tussock Grass, Fine Leaf Tussock Grass,
Native: Foliage Type:
Yes Evergreen
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Grasses, Strappy & Tufting Clumping, Tufting

Native tussock grass that naturally occurs along the South East of Australia. It has small silver blue green tussock grass-like foliage with a lovely rounded habit and fine leaf blades. Grows quickly to approx 20cm high and 30cm wide. Very hardy with flower spike-lets of pale green / purple appearing in Spring and throughout Summer.

Mature Height: Mature Width:
15-30cm <30cm

Position: Soil Type:
Full Sun, Semi Shade Any, Well Drained

Landscape Use(s)
Bird Attracting, Borders / Shrubbery, Coastal Garden, Erosion Control, Foliage Feature / Colour, Habitat, Mass Planting, Rockery, Verge, Container / Pot, Native Garden, Under Trees

Pests & Diseases: Generally trouble free

Cultural Notes:

Plant Care
Keep moist during dry periods, Low phosphorus slow release fertiliser, Mulch well

Family Name: Origin:
Poaceae Australia

Foliage Colour: Blue, Green, Silver
Flower Colour: Green, Purple
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: Spring, Summer
Fruit: Insignificant

Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Fast
Maintenance Level: Low
Water Usage: Low
Drought: Medium / Moderate
Frost: High
Wind: High