Botanical Name: Common Names:
Pandanus utilis Red Edge Common Screwpine,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Evergreen
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Palms, Ferns & Tropical, Trees Rosette, Tufting, Upright
A tropical, native, ornamental small tree that adds structure and architecture to the landscape. Naturally occurring along the coastal dunes of eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. It can develop into a showy trunked plant on maturity with red edged, vibrant green arching strap like foliage with sharp spines along the margins. The roots and fruit also add to the structural features. Requires a warm tropical climate. Grows approx. 4m tall x 2m wide.
Mature Height: Mature Width:
4-10m 2-4m
Position: Soil Type:
Full Sun Loam, Sandy, Well Drained
Landscape Use(s)
Balcony / Roof, Coastal Garden, Courtyard, Feature, Foliage Feature / Colour, Formal Garden, Low Water Garden, Tropical Garden, Container / Pot
Pests & Diseases: Generally trouble free
Cultural Notes:
Plant Care
Annual slow release fertiliser, Mulch well
Family Name: Origin:
Pandanaceae Africa
Foliage Colour: Green
Flower Colour: Insignificant
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: N/A
Fruit: Yes
Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Slow
Maintenance Level: Low
Water Usage: Low
Drought: High
Frost: Tender
Wind: High