

Plant Finder


Lavandula pedunculata The Queen PBR

Botanical Name: Common Names:
Lavandula pedunculata The Queen PBR French Lavender, Lavinnova,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Evergreen
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Hedging / Screening, Herbs & Vegetables, Shrubs Rounded, Upright

For sheer flower volume and impact, this lavender selection is hard to better. With the darkest of pink flower spikes crowned with exceptionally sized and wavy bracts, this selection in a sure-fire winner for gardeners with an eye for superior performance. A high-impact pot, garden bed and landscape plant that is both cold and heat hardy, she deserves to be crowned ‘The Queen' of lavenders.

Mature Height: Mature Width:
60cm-1m 60cm-1m

Position: Soil Type:
Full Sun Any, Clay, Loam, Sandy, Well Drained

Landscape Use(s)
Balcony / Roof, Borders / Shrubbery, Coastal Garden, Courtyard, Cut Flower, Feature, Foliage Feature / Colour, Formal Garden, Fragrant Garden, Hedging / Screening, Low Water Garden, Mass Planting, Container / Pot

Pests & Diseases: Generally trouble free

Cultural Notes:

Plant Care
Annual slow release fertiliser, Keep moist during dry periods, Mulch well

Family Name: Origin:
Lamiaceae Europe

Foliage Colour: Green, Grey
Flower Colour: Purple
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Fruit: Insignificant

Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Fast
Maintenance Level: Medium
Water Usage: Low
Drought: High
Frost: Moderate
Wind: High