

Plant Finder


Plumeria rubra Darwin Shell

Botanical Name: Common Names:
Plumeria rubra Darwin Shell Frangipani,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Deciduous
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Palms, Ferns & Tropical, Shrubs, Trees Spreading, Upright

Known for it's beautiful and attractive flowers, this deciduous tree or large spreading shrub has a single trunk and multiple, thick, knobbly branches. Large matte, dark green leathery leaves have a prominent midrib. Darwin Shell has pink blushed, white with yellow centred flowers that are clustered at the branch tips, emerging before the leaves in Spring. The stunning, lightly fragrant flowers appear Nov - May and can be followed by long brown seed pots. Widely grown in the tropical and sub-tropical climates of Australia, but can also be grown in warm coastal areas.

Mature Height: Mature Width:
2-4m 2-4m

Position: Soil Type:
Full Sun Loam, Sandy, Well Drained

Landscape Use(s)
Balcony / Roof, Borders / Shrubbery, Coastal Garden, Courtyard, Cut Flower, Feature, Formal Garden, Fragrant Garden, Low Water Garden, Roundabouts / Splitters, Tropical Garden, Container / Pot

Pests & Diseases: Aphids, Bud Drop, Collar Rot, Mites, Rust, Scale, Yellow Leaves

Cultural Notes:

Plant Care
Annual slow release fertiliser, Mulch well

Family Name: Origin:
Apocynaceae SouthAmerica

Foliage Colour: Green
Flower Colour: White, Yellow
Flower Fragrant: Yes
Flowering Season: Summer
Fruit: Insignificant

Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Moderate
Maintenance Level: Medium
Water Usage: Medium / Moderate
Drought: Medium / Moderate
Frost: Tender
Wind: Medium / Moderate