

Plant Finder


Microsorum musifolium

Botanical Name: Common Names:
Microsorum musifolium Crocodile Fern,
Native: Foliage Type:
No Evergreen
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Palms, Ferns & Tropical Epiphytic, Rosette

This epiphytic fern naturally grows on rocks and up trees in humid, rainforest regions. Lime green fronds grow to have an attractive crocodile skin-like pattern with the black veins. New fronds open from the centre of the rosette, unrolling as they age. Great addition to a tropical themed garden, rockeries or under trees.

Mature Height: Mature Width:
60cm-1m 60cm-1m

Position: Soil Type:
Semi Shade, Shade Loam, Sandy, Well Drained

Landscape Use(s)
Borders / Shrubbery, Courtyard, Feature, Foliage Feature / Colour, Indoor Plant, Rockery, Shady Garden, Tropical Garden, Container / Pot, Under Trees

Pests & Diseases: Generally trouble free

Cultural Notes:

Plant Care
Annual slow release fertiliser, Keep moist during dry periods, Mulch well

Family Name: Origin:
Aspleniaceae Asia

Foliage Colour: Green
Flower Colour: Insignificant
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: N/A
Fruit: Insignificant

Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Moderate
Maintenance Level: Medium
Water Usage: Medium / Moderate
Drought: Low
Frost: Tender
Wind: Low