Botanical Name: Common Names:
Fuchsia hybrida Jollies Menton TBA
Native: Foliage Type:
No Evergreen
Plant Type: Plant Habit:
Shrubs Dense, Shrub Like, Upright
Fuchsia's make the ideal attractive patio plants. Jollies Menton has dark green foliage and pink tubular-like blooms.The Jollies series have an upright, compact bushy habit and are loaded with flowers throughout Spring, Summer and into Autumn. They are ideally suited to smaller pot programs. Fuchsia's do require a protected position, especially from frost or hot winds. They are most popular in hanging baskets.
Mature Height: Mature Width:
30-60cm 30-60cm
Position: Soil Type:
Semi Shade, Shade Loam, Well Drained
Landscape Use(s)
Balcony / Roof, Borders / Shrubbery, Courtyard, Feature, Shady Garden, Container / Pot, Under Trees
Pests & Diseases: Caterpillars, Generally trouble free, Thrips
Cultural Notes:
Plant Care
Keep moist during dry periods, Liquid feed, Mulch well
Family Name: Origin:
Onagraceae SouthAmerica
Foliage Colour: Green
Flower Colour: Pink
Flower Fragrant: No
Flowering Season: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Fruit: Insignificant
Requirements Tolerances
Growth Rate: Moderate
Maintenance Level: Medium
Water Usage: Medium / Moderate
Drought: Low
Frost: Tender
Wind: Low